Voir, Ensemble, Maintenant : These three cantatas are united first and foremost by their evocation of nature, an essential theme in Guillevic’s work, with a characteristic way of identifying with flowers, rocks, blackbirds or butterflies that is both troubling and marvellous. It’s like rediscovering an original fusion with the world, without forgetting oneself.
Recordings, audio excerpts: CD “Voir, Ensemble, Maintenant” September 2012, Label Inconnu LI 12-0301, distribution Codæx. Performers brought together by the city of Belley under the direction of Benoît Fromanger. Soprano Brigitte Peyré.
Difficulty rating: difficult
Eugène Guillevic
Soprano, flute, clarinet, piano, percussions (tams), violin, alto, cello
Duration: approximately 17 minutes
Cycle in 3 parts, with an interlude between the 2nd and 3rd parts.
Last part of the triptych Voir, Ensemble, Maintenant